Wednesday, January 30, 2019


                                   Based on a true story about a Cat, a Dog and a Baby

                              This book is dedicated to my wonderful granddaughter Isabelle.

The day the Baby came home Fifi the Cat and Missy the Dog were sitting in the living room.
Now, you might want to ask: “How do Fifi and Missy look like?”
Let’s see!

Fifi is a big Persian cat.
He is mostly gray, with a touch of white around his neck, like a bow.
His fur is long and very smooth. It feels like velvet.
He is really proud of his long and fury tail. He is showing it off, moving it along his body, as a dancing cobra.

Missy is a Maltese dog.
Her long and silky fur is entirely white.
She has black round eyes and a black little round nose.
When she is too hot, too tired or too excited a red tongue sticks out of her mouth. 
What about Missy’s tail?
Her tail is a very important part of the picture.
She is “talking” with it. Just by watching her tail you would know if Missy were happy or sad.

It was a sunny day but going outdoors was out of the question. It was too cold.
Fifi was purring next to the fireplace, in his favorite spot.
Missy was trying to sleep as well. From time to time she was opening her eyes looking out the window.

“ Why wasn’t Mommy home yet?  She’s been gone for such a long time!”

Snow started to fall, the first snow that year. It was mid-December.

When Mommy finally entered the living room, Fifi opened one eye. Missy jumped, as usual, in order to welcome her beloved.

“What’s happening? She is not taking her, Missy, in her arms, giving her a hug, as she does every time she comes home. This is strange!”
Mommy’s arms are full already; she is not alone.
She is carrying something, something very important, as you can see. It smells like Mommy but also different…

“One moment, please, Missy!” 

Mommy goes into the bedroom, followed by Missy.  She puts the thing in the new crib that appeared suddenly in the house a few weeks ago.                                                                                                                            
She takes off her coat and, finally Missy is able to jump in her lap and give her a big kiss.
But all of a sudden, the thing starts screaming.
Mommy lets Missy go, she rushes at the crib, and …here she is… busy again.

Days go by.
Missy is trying to understand why her life has changed all of a sudden.

“Fifi, do you like this? What do you think? Why is Mommy ignoring us?”
No answer. All Fifi wants is to be left alone. As he is getting older, he needs more resting. He is sleeping all day long in his warm and cozy corner.

Mommy is always busy. So busy that Missy needs to remind her when it’s time for dinner.
How does she do it?
First she looks Mommy in her eyes, so deeply, anyone could figure out she is hungry. 


Not Mommy!  She is in a hurry: to feed the Baby, to change the Baby, to hold the Baby; the Baby, again and again. 
Mommy forgot about Missy.

“I’ll find a way to remind her I am here!”
Missy goes to the kitchen where her dining corner is: her two plastic dishes, one for food, and one for water.

Let’s remind her!” Grabbing her bowl in her mouth Missy exits the kitchen and goes into the bedroom where Mommy is busy with the Baby.

“Here I am! I need food!”

Mommy is laughing with all her heart! 
                                                                                                                            “What a smart girl!  Here, come on! I completely forgot about you and Fifi. Sorry, I am really sorry.  Come on, guys!”

“Mission accomplished!  Fifi should thank me,” Missy thinks.  “He never does! Cats! They always believe they are the most intelligent, the most…everything.
Now, just figure it out: if it weren’t for me, who in the world would have fed him?”

Months go by…The Baby is growing.
Little by little Fifi and Missy are getting used to their new life. They are learning to accept the Baby, even to like her.
First Missy approached the playpen, sniffing around, even standing, in order to see better and to get more familiar with the new smell.
She was able to feel and to enjoy the thing Mommy was so careful about: this little creature that looked and smelled like a human but was still just a…thing.
Missy was actually excited to be close to the Baby, and to observe her. She was happy also because she was able to sit next to Mommy, to cuddle her with her eyes.
From time to time Mommy would even take the little dog in her arms and let her kiss her face, like before.

Fifi was less sensitive.  Of course, he’s just a cat!  He was sleeping all day long in his corner, happy as always with his life. Until one day…                                                                                                                           

“Where is my favorite cushion?”  Fifi looked around. “I can’t find it. If I don’t find it I won’t be able to go to sleep.” 


He continued to look in the living room, on the sofa, on the armchair. Then he went in the bedroom.  Nothing!  

“Let’s see…” Next to the bedroom it was Baby’s room. 

“Why don’t I take a look over there? Oh, yes! It must be there.”                                                                                                                             
Fifi tiptoed towards the playpen, where Baby was having a good time looking at some picture books.

“Boy this thing is growing! It seems like yesterday that it was my size and now it is so much bigger. But it can’t hurt me; after all I’m a cat!  Plus, it smells like Mommy, so it can’t be mean.”

Fifi sniffed for a while, and he decided to jump inside the playpen, in order to take a closer look.

“Here it is! My cushion! I found it!”
“I knew Mommy was moving around things. I knew that all of a sudden I had to share not just Mommy’s attention but also my stuff.”
“There is somebody in this house more important than I.”
“At least Mommy thinks that. Mommy had to bring this thing home too. As it wasn’t enough to have Missy around.”
“But it won’t keep me from sleeping!” 

Fifi ignored the Baby, headed towards the corner where his cushion was, made himself comfortable and started to purr.
Soon he was fast asleep.

Baby liked Fifi. 
She knew that Fifi was a cat, like one of her stuffed animals, just a little bigger and different somehow…He was warm and soft and it moved and made noises, especially when he was hungry. 
Baby always wanted to participate when Mommy was feeding him.  She even tried to pet him with Mommy’s help.
Now she was a little surprised when she saw him jumping in her playpen, but she wasn’t scared.
After Fifi fell asleep she went closer, so she could observe him better. She touched him and his fur felt so good!                                                                                                                         
She started to pet him: on his head, on his body, even on his bushy tail, the way Mommy showed her. 
Fifi was purring louder and louder.
The Baby continued to pet the furry cat until the soothing sound made her eyelids get heavier, and sleep took over.

When Mommy came to check the Baby, she was asleep in her playpen, hugging Fifi, her head next to him on the cushion.
Picture perfect!

Do you know how many things can fit in a playpen? 
A lot!  Cushions, blankets, storybooks, and toys.  Especially toys.
Baby had a lot of stuffed animals: horses and cows, cats and dogs, ducks and geese, even dinosaurs, and, of course, bears, I mean, Teddy Bears. 
Missy had a few toys as well.  Not as many as the Baby, though. She used to play especially with an old bone, made out of fabric.
It was already dirty and ripped from so much playing. But Missy seemed to like it so much that she didn’t even want to share it with Fifi. 
“Cats don’t need toys! They have their tails to play with.”

As Missy got to know the Baby better and not be afraid to get closer, she started to observe her toys; especially those that were in the playpen.
She didn’t know yet which one she liked the best; all of them were colorful and had a nice smell.

”They smell a little like Mommy but there is something more.” 
Missy came closer.  She was really curious to see the Baby playing with her toys.
She was also determined to detect the smell she hasn’t recognized yet. 
She stopped, not too far from the playpen and laid down, her nose on her paws.
Now she was close enough. She was able to see and to feel everything that would happen inside.

The Baby was quiet. She seemed busy playing with her stuffed animals. 
All of a sudden, somehow, one of them fell off the playpen.  Or maybe the Baby dropped it. I don’t really know how it happened. It was out there, next to Missy. 
The little dog startled, and, surprised, couldn’t help from grabbing the toy with her mouth, shaking it continuously.

“Will it make a noise?” 
When she had enough shaking, she put the toy down and sniffed it.

“It smells like…Baby!” clicked in her doggy mind. 
Missy started to wag her tail; she was as happy as you can imagine.

“Victory! At last, the mystery is unveiled.”


Now, that she identified the new smell, Missy wanted to play with more of the Baby’s toys. 
Her old bone didn’t appeal to her anymore; it was really ripped and yucky and it smelled like…Anyway!  It didn’t smell like Baby, not even like Fifi.
Missy approached the playpen and tried to take a closer look at the stuffed animals. 

“I like the cat and the horse, I also like the duck, but most of all, I think… I like the Teddy Bear.  It looks so cuddly and soft.”
She wanted so badly to play with one of those toys, that she made up a plan.

If I want the Baby to share her toys with me, I definitely have to share my toys with her.  
I hope she likes my favorite one.  It’s not so dirty, after all! It still looks like a bone, which is a nice and yummy thing, believe me!”
Missy went to her corner, in the kitchen, to look for her bone. After she found it, she grabbed it in her mouth.                                                                                                                              
She headed in a hurry back to the Baby’s room. She ran toward the playpen as quickly as she could.
She jumped in the air still holding the bone in her mouth. Then she released it inside the playpen, next to the Baby.

“Here is my bone, you can play with it as long as you wish”. 
“Now, can I have that Teddy Bear sitting in the corner?  Pleeeaaase!

Can you imagine what happened next?

As if she totally understood what Missy told her in her doggy language, the Baby picked up the Teddy Bear. Believe me, it was her favorite as well.
She looked at Teddy’s face, examining his eyes, touching his nose and his ears.
Then she took him by his paws and she balanced the little bear in the air, outside the playpen.
She waited for a moment, and then she released her darling Teddy, who fell smoothly on the floor, next to Missy.

And from that day on the Baby shared all her toys with Missy. They had a lot of fun together. The Baby would drop her toys out of the playpen and Missy would pick them up and release them back inside.

“But what about Fifi?” you might want to ask.


As I told you before, Fifi liked to sleep a lot, because he was an old cat. He came back many times to baby’s playpen in order to find his favorite cushion. Actually he enjoyed Baby’s smell as well.

So everybody was happy.

And they lived happily ever after, as best friends.

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